Chopra, Neeti. “This Delhi Guy Is Making A Business Out Of Letting People Send Messages On A Potato.” ScoopWhoop, ScoopWhoop, www.scoopwhoop.com/delhi-guy-sending-potato-messages/#.i22yyfir4.
“Which potato?” I mutter to myself as I stood there in the market. I reached into the bin of sweet potatoes in hopes of a good potato for tomorrow’s lunch.
“Get your hands off of me,” The sweet potato said as it bit me on the hand. My first reaction was to put them back into the bin. “That’s what I thought, human.”
“Damn,” I replied as I stared into the bin of sweet potatoes. A little unsure with what to do now, I prepared to turn back and head home. NO! My eyes narrowed as I prepared myself to reach into that bin for another potato.
“Excuse me,” A voice said below. I looked down to see a cabbage roll up to my leg, gently brushing against it. The worker in the market gave me an apologetic look as he bent down to collect the cabbage. My attention snapped back to the potato problem. I managed to gather the strength and courage to reach into the potato bin once again.
“You shall not take me or my people, human!” Shouted a rather loud voice. I looked down at my hand to see this plump reddish potato talking back to me. I gave it a questioning look as I just carelessly plopped it into my shopping bag before it could escape. I felt like my mission was over here. I had my potato for tomorrow's lunch. I walked to the counter and paid for the potato.
I could have gone home but I decided to call up a friend to waste away the rest of my evening. As I was on the call I felt something moving around in my bag. It was a little uncomfortable so I gave it a violent shake, bumping my elbow into the person passing by.
“Quit moving around, potato!” I hissed as I unzipped my bag to talk to the potato. People around me ignored the fact that I was talking to a potato and continued on with their day. The potato hopped out of my bag angrily.
“I will stop moving around if you let me go, human!” It said.
“I will not let you go,” I replied, “I used my own money to pay for you and spent my time and energy to get here.”
“If you let me go, I’ll bless you with the most bizarre adventure,” It quickly said. There was an awkward pause between us. My eyebrow raised in interest. I waited for the potato to continue onwards, “Yes! A bizarre adventure of gifts and other foods!”
“Tempting,” I muttered, “Alright, potato. If you can give me the most bizarre adventure of my life, then I’ll let you go.”
“I won’t let you down, human. I present to you the most bizarre adventure that you’ll ever have in your life,” the potato stated. Right after the potato’s promise, my friend had finally shown up. I placed my hand on my chin. Things were already getting fishy and off. I wanted to tell my friend of the potato’s promise, but decided to brush it off as my hyperactive imagination.
Ever since Angel appeared to keep me company, we sent the day exploring the mall. Things seemed normal and until we stumbled upon a Claw Machine. The first couple of tries were an absolute waste of money. Both of us and the potato let out a sigh of annoyance.
“This will never work, Mookie!” Angel exclaimed. Just before giving up, my bag began to shake and rumble once again. The potato was demanding to be released. I set down the backpack to reveal the potato to Angel.
“Move out of the way, fools! I will show you the true power of the bizarre potato,” it stated as it chanted some foreign words unknown to mankind. The potato turned back to look at the two of us. I felt a new surge of power and dominance as my hand reached for the controller of the claw machine. Without hesitation, I played the game. My attention and focus were directed entirely on the game. After a few seconds of intense concentration, I had won two toys right out of the impossible claw machine. Angel’s mouth gaped open in shock as we looked at each other. This potato wasn’t lying. It brought me the most bizarre adventure of my life. At least, for this day. My phone buzzed as I triumphed over my prizes.
“Is you growing a potato?” A text from my mom. I turned to Angel and placed the potato back into my bag. I honestly can’t wait till tomorrow.
good story! nice components. Like the picture...
ReplyDeleteI like your story, and the picture is funny.