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"Png Blood Drips 5." By Moonglowlilly on DeviantArt. Moonglowlily, n.d. Web. 07 Jan. 2016.
I woke up covered in a thick blanket of blood; my white t-shirt dripping blood like a faucet. I couldn’t believe what had just happened to me. I didn’t mean to make a mistake, I just wanted the best for my family. I felt faint, a sharp pain hit my heart. I started breathing faster and faster, my vision sharpening as I went into shock. My wife was lying motionless on top of me, her chest rising and falling. I sighed a breath of relief and looked around. I was in my own house, our oak coffee table split in half, family pictures shattered all over the floor. Furniture was flipped over, all with blood covering them. I looked to our son's crib, toppled over. I let out a gasp, but a sharp pain again struck my heart.
I silenced and stood up, carefully placing my wife off of me. I checked my wife's right side for wounds. Nothing. I picked her up in my arms and headed towards the front door, which was a torn piece of wood by now. I walked outside and saw a thin trail of blood leading down the sidewalk. I followed the trail of blood for hours, surprised how I was still standing with the amount of blood I lost. It finally led me to a massive pool of thick, warm blood.
I looked up and saw a hospital glowing with a bright light in the distance. I carried my wife, my strength failing, through the automatic doors into a bright white room. I yelled for help over and over. Doctors and nurses came out, faces dropping as they saw me drenched with blood still dripping. I finally collapsed, my last seconds of vision turning to black. I woke up much later still feeling a sharp pain in my chest. A man in white was speaking to me, but all I heard was “critical” and “failing life support.” I tried speaking but nothing came out.
“Sir, the life support is critically failing. There isn’t much time left. Do you want to end this pain?” the doctor asked. I nodded, tears in my eyes, accepting my fate. This is where my life ends. My heart stung again, more vigorously this time. I shut off my wife’s life support.
Wow, really intense. Well-written and thought-provoking. 10/10 A++