Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shadows and Reflections: Me, Myself, and Him

"Spirit Reflections - Ghosts and Haunted Mirrors." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.

 I’m dreaming of myself playing a game of tag. I am being chased through a dark, infinite, void with only a little light in front of me. No matter how fast I run I can never get to the light. I am scared. I look back and see an evil form of myself. The being looks just like me in every way. The only thing different was his blood shot eyes. I look ahead and keep on running, but I’m out of breathe. I start to hear his breaths and feel the little hairs on the back of my neck rising along with a tingle in the pits of my legs. His hand is just an inch away from me… Flash. I’m awake. It was always the same dream. I have had this dream every night ever since the party where lights were flashing and mirrors were everywhere. Once in a while I would blackout and find myself somewhere else in the party.  His eyes haunt me all the time. I am scared even to look at myself in the mirror. When brushing my teeth I always have to keep an eye on my reflection. Every time I look away from the mirror, I have the same sensations as the ones in the dream, when His reach is present. I haven’t told anyone about this. When I go to school I try to act as normal as possible but I can’t even do that; I am afraid of my own shadow and reflection. I try to spend as little time in the bright sun or next to a mirror. I have even started to use plastic utensils, so I don’t see the reflections of my fingers as they are placed next to the fork or knife. It helps reduce that feeling, the feeling of my fingers touching His.

Today I have been invited to a friend’s house and have decided to go by car even though he only lives a few blocks away. That way I can avoid any chance of seeing my shadow. I parked in his driveway next to his big oak tree. I leap out into the tree’s shadows and crept under the roofs ledge. My hands start to sweat. I finally get to the door and ring his doorbell. It felt like hours before Jacob, my friend, got there. He opened the door and invited me in. We went into the living room where Jacob had the others waiting. I see that the blinds are open and run to close them. I’m too late…My eyes were hit by the sun’s rays and His red eyes were now stained into my vision. I was hypnotized for a minute, but the laughs of my friends brought me back to reality. I sit down and grab a controller. I start to play Call of Duty with them. I was so good. I was killing everybody and got the highest score. We played until the night and Jacob’s mom yelled, “Pizza”. We all jump to our feet and sprinted to the kitchen. We start to cram as much pizza into our mouths before it was all gone. We started to make a competition out of it. Kevin got the most in his mouth. Once we all finished the pizza we went back to the living room and put on a movie. We chose “We’re the Millers”. It was a comedy so everyone was laughing. My stomach started to ache and I felt the need to throw up. I walked towards the bathroom as casually and as fast as possible trying to not make a scene. I get into the bathroom and locked the doors. I quickly pulled up the toilet seat and started to heave. It was vile. The puking lasted for so long I started to feel my pulse in my head and started to feel a bit dazed. I lifted my head to get some fresh air away from the horrid smell. I look up. I start to quiver. I totally forgot. Recently Jacob got a new mirror in his bathroom. He said that the movers had trouble getting it into the house because it was so big. I see myself with the evil look and red eyes. His hand started to reach out to me. I was stunned, I couldn't move, I couldn't even scream… He touched me.  Everything became dark and I became dizzy.

 I then woke up, confused. I was in Jacobs’s bathroom laying on the floor. I looked up and saw Him walking out the door in a very slow ghost like style. I slowly got up, which was very painful. It felt like all of my bones were fused together. I moved up and the bones started crack. I leaned onto the bathroom’s counter and got a hold of myself. I shifted towards the door to try to catch Him. It seemed like forever, but I eventually got to the door. I opened the door...and… there was nothing. I was no the shadow and reflection. He had taken my place. He shall now only be the only form of me that will walk the earth.

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