As always, Jonathan woke up at 6 a.m: his job required him to. He got out of bed, showered, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and ate his breakfast. He was still a bit tired from his birthday party the previous night, so he decided to drink a cup of coffee. He left his house and saw the usual white buildings and white streets. He hopped on his white bike and started heading to work. On the way, he passed his buddy Spencer, who was in his white car. They each said good morning, exchanged some words, and then each went their own way. He decided to take the road next to The Fence this morning, because he liked looking at City Black. Jonathan lives in City White, along with all of the other light skinned people. He rarely managed to get even a tiny glimpse of a dark skinned person in City Black. However, he saw a dark skinned woman this morning, as he was riding along The Fence. He never quite understood why they were separated like this, but it had always been that way, and he didn’t like it. Along with his close friends, Jonathan had started a group called City Grey a couple of years back. City Grey is where Jonathan worked. It was a group of a few hundred light skinned people, who were building a third city in which light and dark skinned people could live together, with no separation. The city was coming along great, and they would be done in a little over a year. The government even approved of this and were funding them. He was the head engineer in City Grey. His girlfriend, Molly, planned the entire city, and his best friend, Matt, was the head builder. On the way, about five minutes from City Grey, he saw Molly sitting on a bench, crying her heart out. He stopped his bike and rushed over to her.
“Molly, what’s wrong?”, he asked in a soothing tone.
“Jonathan!” she said between sobs, “it’s terrible, you have to see it, then you will know what’s wrong.”
She took Jonathan to City Grey, and when he saw it, he fainted…
When Jonathan awoke, he saw a blurry image of his friend Matt. Jonathan realized he was drenched in sweat, which wasn’t too comfortable.
Matt greeted him by saying, “Happy birthday Johnny!”
Jonathan had completely forgotten he was turning 27 that day. He saw Molly a few meters away, still crying, with her blonde hair in a mess.
“What happened? Who did this?” Jonathan asked Matt.
Matt replied, “I have no idea, but whoever it was, they must hate City Grey.”
Jonathan looked back behind him to see what remained of City Grey. Once a beautiful city, City Grey was just gone, crushed down into ash, dust, and pieces of buildings. He couldn’t look at it anymore. He turned his head and saw his muscular friend Matt trying to comfort Molly. Matt had always been a good hearted, kind person. He was always there for Jonathan, no matter what. Suddenly, Jonathan heard footsteps from coming from behind him. He turned and saw two men in black suits and sunglasses. He got the feeling that they knew what had happened to City Grey.
Matt replied, “I have no idea, but whoever it was, they must hate City Grey.”
Jonathan looked back behind him to see what remained of City Grey. Once a beautiful city, City Grey was just gone, crushed down into ash, dust, and pieces of buildings. He couldn’t look at it anymore. He turned his head and saw his muscular friend Matt trying to comfort Molly. Matt had always been a good hearted, kind person. He was always there for Jonathan, no matter what. Suddenly, Jonathan heard footsteps from coming from behind him. He turned and saw two men in black suits and sunglasses. He got the feeling that they knew what had happened to City Grey.
“This is the end of City Grey.” They said in total sync. “If you continue this project, you and your group will be taken care of.”
Jonathan suddenly felt overwhelmed.
“Who are you?” he asked them.
“We are The Control. If anyone tampers with our system, they will feel our wrath creeping down their spines.”
He was convinced they were responsible for the destruction of City Grey. What was he to do now? Everything he had ever worked for was destroyed. There had to be a way to fix this. While he was deep in thought, the two men had disappeared, leaving him completely discombobulated. He rushed over to his friends and told them what had just happened. Enraged, the three of them agreed to not give up, and start again from scratch.
In two weeks, they, along with the whole crew, managed to clean up the rubble. Then they started rebuilding. Every month, they would complete a building, but every time they would finish, it would be gone the very next day. Despite the fact that they were obviously in danger, they kept fighting, and didn’t give up. Their cause was much too dear for them to give up. Around a year after the first visit of the two men, Jonathan saw them again. The two men told him that they had been too kind to him. They also warned him that the next building they built, would be their last. Jonathan didn’t care, but most of the crew did, most of them left, and all that remained of them were 50 people, including himself, Molly, and Matt. Every day that they continued building, another crew member would disappear, but they still didn’t give up.They finally completed the building, with only 20 of them remaining. The next day, Jonathan expected to go to City Grey, and find nothing, just as he had for the for the past 2 years, but the building was still there when he got there. He was ecstatic because it had finally worked, they had won and they never gave up, they never stopped fighting, and that rewarded them with the best feeling ever. They were all so happy and decided to get started on the next building. Just as they were about to start, Jonathan saw two dark figures in the background, he immediately knew what was happening. Before he could do anything, there was a massive flash of light. After the flash, they were all gone, and the two men walked off as if nothing ever happened.
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"Black-and-white City." Dreamstime. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.
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