“How did I reach this situation?” he thought while sitting in a chair. ”I loved her. She just wouldn’t love me back. She tore me apart and now I am nothing.”
Hello my name is Juan Pablo. I live in Mexico and I think I am a reasonable guy. I just went through a rough breakup with the love of my life. We had been married for 5 years when she decided she was fed up and wanted to move on. The strangest, most unexpected event happened to me a few days after the terrible breakup. I went running as I normally do in the mornings. After a few minutes, I started to pant really hard and then suddenly, I felt a surge of pain go through my chest and I collapsed. I remembered absolutely nothing when I woke up in the hospital a few days later. I asked the doctors what had happened.
They told me I had been in a coma for 3 days after my heart attack occurred. Then they told me Doctor Ignacio will be with me shortly to explain everything. Doctor Ignacio arrived after a few minutes. He then took me into his office, closed his blinds and started talking gently but firmly .
He said: “Over the last few days we have been running tests on you and we have found out the reason why you collapsed in the middle of the street. We are very sad to tell you that you have a serious case of Heart Broken disease due to your recent breakup. This means every time your heart rate goes over 140 you will collapse and have a heart attack. To cure yourself you will need "The Book of Love.” But due to the fact that books of that genre are illegal in Mexico, due to their tremendous power, we are afraid that there is not much that we can do.”
They told me I had been in a coma for 3 days after my heart attack occurred. Then they told me Doctor Ignacio will be with me shortly to explain everything. Doctor Ignacio arrived after a few minutes. He then took me into his office, closed his blinds and started talking gently but firmly .
He said: “Over the last few days we have been running tests on you and we have found out the reason why you collapsed in the middle of the street. We are very sad to tell you that you have a serious case of Heart Broken disease due to your recent breakup. This means every time your heart rate goes over 140 you will collapse and have a heart attack. To cure yourself you will need "The Book of Love.” But due to the fact that books of that genre are illegal in Mexico, due to their tremendous power, we are afraid that there is not much that we can do.”
As soon as I got home I looked up this “Book of Love.” I found out that the only copy was found in a Library in LA just off Hollywood Boulevard. There was only one problem. I didn’t have enough money for a plane ticket. I would have to find another way across the border, maybe an illegal way, but I didn’t care.
After talking to my friends and they talking to their friends, I found no one who would be willing to smuggle me across the border. It was too risky. That is until I found Andrea. She said she could take me to the border but I would have to find my own way across. I was fine with this. Andrea was a very beautiful woman and I wouldn’t mind spending a few hours in the car with her until we reached the border.
She told me she that she was going in that direction anyways and that she would just pick me up on the highway.
She said, “I will come pick you up at 7 am on Sunday morning”.
I was there waiting for her at 6:30 a.m as I was eager to cure my broken heart. She arrived at 7 on the dot. I got into the car with a big smile on my face. I was happy that events were working out for me. We bonded well, I found out we both liked the same music, we both had similar ideas, we both had the same political beliefs, and we both liked Empanadas with black beans. I grew fond of Andrea. After the first hour I fell asleep for a bit. If I wasn’t so one track minded I would have opened my mind up and seen that maybe Andrea liked me too. That didn’t matter. I was too caught up with the idea of curing my broken heart. After a few hours, I felt like I had known this woman for years instead of hours. As we got closer to the border, Andrea started to explain to me how to cross it. She said that between 12:30-12:40 there was a change of guards at the watch tower, and that this would be the perfect time for me to cut the wire of the fence and get into U.S.A. I had had a good time with Andrea and as we left I was sorry to leave her. I gave her a small peck on her right cheek to say goodbye. That night as the clock struck 12:30, I jogged slowly over to the fence so that I wouldn’t raise my heart rate too much. I cut the fence and thank god I made it to the other side. Just when I thought I had gotten off scot free I saw a shine of a bright light behind me and a voice coming from a Jeep heading my way. I quickly ran towards the bushes and jumped in. I didn’t pay attention to my heart rate but noticed I had not fainted from a heart attack. This was strange. I lifted my head up to see other Mexicans being arrested by the border police.
She said, “I will come pick you up at 7 am on Sunday morning”.
I was there waiting for her at 6:30 a.m as I was eager to cure my broken heart. She arrived at 7 on the dot. I got into the car with a big smile on my face. I was happy that events were working out for me. We bonded well, I found out we both liked the same music, we both had similar ideas, we both had the same political beliefs, and we both liked Empanadas with black beans. I grew fond of Andrea. After the first hour I fell asleep for a bit. If I wasn’t so one track minded I would have opened my mind up and seen that maybe Andrea liked me too. That didn’t matter. I was too caught up with the idea of curing my broken heart. After a few hours, I felt like I had known this woman for years instead of hours. As we got closer to the border, Andrea started to explain to me how to cross it. She said that between 12:30-12:40 there was a change of guards at the watch tower, and that this would be the perfect time for me to cut the wire of the fence and get into U.S.A. I had had a good time with Andrea and as we left I was sorry to leave her. I gave her a small peck on her right cheek to say goodbye. That night as the clock struck 12:30, I jogged slowly over to the fence so that I wouldn’t raise my heart rate too much. I cut the fence and thank god I made it to the other side. Just when I thought I had gotten off scot free I saw a shine of a bright light behind me and a voice coming from a Jeep heading my way. I quickly ran towards the bushes and jumped in. I didn’t pay attention to my heart rate but noticed I had not fainted from a heart attack. This was strange. I lifted my head up to see other Mexicans being arrested by the border police.
I saw a bunch of other Mexicans that had crossed the border and followed them furtively to wherever they were going. I found myself at the highway after an hour. We walked like this for a few hours until we got to Hollywood, LA. I was ragged and my chest hurt like nothing ever before and that was when I stepped into the library. I made my way over to the Love Section to find the “Book of Love”. I was relieved to find it quickly and opened it up at the Medicine and Cures page. There I found Heart Broken Disease. I sighed as I looked at the book because I had made a big mistake. On the Heart Broken Disease page it said, “The only cure for Heart Broken Disease is true love. I sighed once again and screamed with all my heart “ANDREA!”
I Love Mexico Stock Footage Video 2197315
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