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"Deviant Art." Footprints Through The Dark by Long-Mi-Mei on DeviantArt. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2015.
Timothy Smith walked on the street. He was wearing his coat which had his wallet in it and, had his walking stick for supporting him while walking. This evening as he was walking down the street, he felt that someone was following him. He stopped and looked back, but saw nothing or no one.
As the rich old man was walking he heard someone calling him from behind. Timothy immediately recognized the voice. It was Linda, their neighbour. Linda had been their neighbour for 15 years, thus she knew the whole history in detail of Timothy Smith and his family.
“How are you?” asked Linda.
“Good, just came out for a little walk,” replied Timothy, “How are you and the ---”
It was then that he felt that he’s being followed by someone. He paused, and looked over his shoulder towards the street behind.
“Are you okay, Sir?” Linda inquired, showing concern.
She waited almost a minute for an answer, but instead she found Timothy staring into mid air. He didn't reply and walked off.Linda was shocked to see such a response. She knew Timothy for 15 years, however he had never reacted the way he did that day. She worried a little, but then considered that he was in his old age, therefore she continued with her business.
By then, the old man was very confused and frustrated. Therefore, he wasn't paying attention to where he was heading. It was as if the world had stopped. To Timothy there were only two people who he could feel, him and the follower. Timothy continued walking and thinking about the feeling he was having about the unknown figure who was following him like his shadow. However, somewhere in the back of his mind, he was skeptical about his feelings. Was someone really following him or was it just an illusion?.
Later that evening, Timothy received a call. It was from his wife, Kate.
“Timothy, where are you, do you have any clue what time is it?” exclaimed Kate over the phone.
Obviously Timothy had no clue, he had just been walking with the help of his stick and thinking about the follower.
“No, what time is it?”
“It’s 7:30, you better come home quick,” cried his vexed wife as she hung up the phone.
Just as he hung up, he felt that someone was pursuing him again, and this time he was certain it could not have been just an illusion. Someone was actually following Timothy Smith. He looked back for the last time. It didn't surprise him when he saw nothing.
Timothy suddenly started walking faster. The stalker had certainly made him uncomfortable. Timothy felt that the air was stuffy, even when he was the only one who could feel it. He didn't feel alone. It was as if he was compelled by the unknown’s spell.
Suddenly he felt a push from the back as he made the turn to an empty street. He tripped a little, but managed to maintain his balance. It was time for the anonymous to no longer be incognito.
It was a man wearing black. Timothy was still unfamiliar with the stalker’s identity. Before he could react, there was another push, followed by another and another, until Timothy fell and crashed himself onto the sidewalk.
The old man struggled for about 5 minutes before he managed to stand up. He realized that his wallet was missing. He could hear the sound of the Pursuer's feet ebbing away.
“Son, you’re lucky you've got good eyesight. Not everyone is as lucky as you, so appreciate what you've got,” said Timothy, a blind old man, as he resumed walking towards his home.
Wow. That was very interesting and chilling. The twist at the end was very good. I also loved the expressive words and the reaccuring imagery. Great job Saloni.