Thursday, February 15, 2018

Black Boots

The door slammed in a rush and Oliver sat there wagging his tail just staring at the door. Impatient and curious, Oliver started to walk in circles thinking of all the reasons mommy had left him.

Hmm where’s mommy going? Did she leave me forever? Was she mad that I went potty inside the house? Or does she not love me anymore? Maybe I should’ve cleaned up my toys before we went to bed. The thoughts overtook Oliver causing him to become very sleepy. Just as he almost fell asleep on the cold floor, someone banged on the door.

“Who are you,” Oliver barked, “ get away, this is my territory!”

No one answered. Another rumble came from outside and Oliver got scared.

What should I do? I’m just a tiny little puppy. I can’t keep anyone out of this house. On second thought, I must protect this house for when mommy comes home!

Instantly, a big man came in and ran to Oliver trying to pick him up. Oliver began to sprint as fast as he could so that this big man wouldn’t catch him.

“Why are you chasing me?” Oliver barked and barked but this man wouldn’t stop. Eventually the man got tired of chasing Oliver and sat on the couch. Oliver hid in his mom’s room and thought of a plan on how to get rid of this scary man he named Black Boots.

Well barking doesn’t seem to affect this man, so maybe I should try biting him. No, no that won’t work most of my teeth have fallen out. I suppose I can befriend this man in the meantime, and mommy will take care of him when she gets home.

Oliver walked slowly down the hall back to the living room where Black Boots was sitting on the couch watching TV. When Black Boots saw Oliver he tried to pick him up. In order for Black Boots to think Oliver was his friend, Oliver allowed it.

Why am I doing this? I don’t even like this man? Hmm I guess if I’m his friend he’ll get me a treat and when he gives me a treat I’ll bite him and chase him out the house.

Black Boots carried Oliver to the kitchen and got out his dog food. Black Boots put Oliver down and set his dog food next to him. Oliver began to eat but wasn’t sure if it was safe.

This food is yummy. What did he put in it? Is that chicken I taste? Mommy doesn’t even give me chicken! Black Boots isn’t so bad after all. I could live like this everyday!

Oliver scarfed down his food and began to play with his toy Squishy. He threw Squishy, chewed Squishy and squashed Squishy. Oliver was having so much fun until he started to feel dizzy. He looked up at Black Boots who was smiling as Oliver began to lose balance and fall over.

What is happening to me? Why do I feel like this? Did Black Boots do this? Of course he did! He’s an evi…

Oliver woke up on a cold metal table with bright lights facing him. Black Boots stood in the corner while he talked to all these men in blue scrubs.

Why am I dizzy again? What are they doing to me now? What is that sharp shiny object? OOOWWWW!!!!

A few hours later Oliver awoke once again but this time in his mom’s bed with her arms around him. The bed was cold, freezing like never before; Oliver became very uneasy. Oliver looked up to see his mom but couldn’t because there was some round object that was blocking his view of her.

What is this on my neck? Why won’t it come off when I shake my head? Where’s my tail? Did those mean men cut off my tail? I can’t feel my tail. Oh no I don’t have a tail anymore. WAIT, yes I do it’s right here.

Oliver glanced to the right and saw that Black Boots was laying next to him and mommy. He stared straight into Black Boots’ eyes and began growling.

“ You sick, evil man poisoned me and let those terrible cut off my …. And now I can’t have kids!” Oliver barked as loud as he could at Black Boots.

“ Stop that yapping you little mutt. Go back to sleep or I’ll take squishy away from you!” Black Boots said with a stern voice.

Oliver whined because he knew his mom would protect him from Black Boots.

“ Don’t call my baby a mutt and don’t threaten him! Now go give him a treat!” Oliver’s mom told Black Boots with a harsh voice.

Black Boots carried Oliver downstairs to give him a treat and Oliver’s mom came with him.

“ I don’t understand why I have to give him a treat for barking. This is the opposite of training.”

“ Give him the treat or you’re sleeping in Oliver’s dog house and Oliver will sleep with me. You already did enough damage for taking him to the vet without my permission!”

Black Boots slapped Oliver’s mom with such force she fell over and laid unconscious. Black Boots attempted to feed Oliver the treat but Oliver bit his hand with all the strength he could. Black Boots dropped Oliver due to the pain he caused him. Black Boots tried to smack Oliver but Oliver jumped and bit Black Boots’s butt. Black Boots started to run towards the door and Oliver barked loudly at him. Oliver felt a rush of warmth through his blood stream when Black Boots fled the house.

Yeah you better run, or else these sharp baby teeth will clamp again where the sun does not shine!

Once Black Boots was far gone, Oliver ran over to his mommy to see if she was okay. He began to lick her arm.

I’m so sorry Black Boots hurt you too! Everything will be okay, just please wake up!
(My dog Kuma with his favorite toy.)


  1. Excellent story, 10/10 would read again. To lighten up the mood, maybe give this video a shot:

  2. Wow, this is such a cute story. I really enjoyed it.

  3. I really liked your story. I liked that we didn't really know who Black Boots was the whole story. The ending was unexpected too. Great job!

  4. The title is great and the story is also really fun :)

  5. This story meets the criteria so well! I enjoyed reading your story, and I agree with Olivia; not knowing who Black Boots is was a nice touch.

  6. This story was so cute and I could really imagine this because of all of your dogs.

  7. this was so cute I loved reading it I would totally read it again

  8. It was really cute and having the story from the dogs perspective was interesting.
