Friday, February 16, 2018


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“All You Need to Have for the Best Shelling on Topsail.” Topsail Island Rentals, 17 Feb. 2017,
Ross, Rydel, and Riker loved going to the beach. Every time they went to the beach they were looking for beautiful seashells. To them, each trip to the beach was an adventure and with every step a new discovery. They collected variations of colored seashells that were pink, yellow, blue or a mix of different colors and would place them into their own glass jars. They thought the prettiest seashells were closest to the water, so each time they walked along the shoreline the cold water was constantly hitting their feet. One day, as they were looking for seashells, Rydel spotted something shimmering in the sunlight, so she decided to check it out.

“Hey guys, come look at this,” Rydel called to her brothers Ross and Riker.

“Woah, what is that?” Ross asked curiously as he picked up the object.

“It’s a necklace,” Riker said as Ross wiped the sand off the item in question. Riker was the first to examine the necklace and the other two went after him. The necklace was silver and on the chain, there was a charming seashell-shaped pendant. On the back of the charm, there was a small grey cursive engraving that said ‘M + S always’. The necklace was then passed on to Rydel, but Rydel didn’t want to pass it on to her younger brother Ross. Ross was getting angry and reached for the pendant. He tugged hard on the necklace, but Rydel wasn’t going to let him have it.

“Let me see it, Rydel!” yelled Ross frustrated.

“No, I want to keep it!” Rydel yelled back.

“Break it up guys,” Riker intervened, “Rydel, let Ross see it.”

Rydel stopped tugging on the necklace causing Ross to fall back on the sand. When Riker went to help Ross up off the sand, he noticed that the pendant had opened. The pendant had revealed a black and white picture of a man and a woman.

“They look so familiar,” Riker whispered, Rydel heard him and agreed. Ross, Rydel, and Riker were confused, but also in awe that the couple looked familiar to them. So with Ross and Rydel’s petty argument forgotten, all three of them ran back to their mother to show her their discovery. When Rydel gave her mom the necklace, her mom started crying.

“Mom, why are you so sad?” Ross asked his mother curiously but cautiously at the same time.

“I’m not sad honey,” replied their mom sniffling.

“Then, why are you crying?” Ross asked.

His mom told him, “because the people in the picture were from my past life.”


  1. It's a really cute story. I liked it!

  2. Woah!! The ending was so unexpected

  3. The ending was a surprise to me but I loved it. I like the symbol of the pendant with a picture in it

  4. That was a great story, I really didn't expect it

  5. This is such a wonderful story, it's very emotionally sweet.

  6. Such as cute story with a huge surprise at the end!
