Friday, October 17, 2014

Lunch Time

Magical realism is used with the information noted in his food. In this image you can see the dead, yet, "alive" man having a normal and casual lunch. In his plate you can notice the strings of information and newspaper headlines which is actually his pasta, indicating that he’s eating information. In this drawing I am trying to put an emphasis on the consumption of information that we as humans have on a daily basis. Nowadays, we "eat information" so often that its almost impossible not to learn something new everyday. This information could be coming from the internet, the classroom, the radio in the car, even from the applications on our cell-phones.


  1. I really like your moral, it's very original and I like how you represented it. Werk Maya, werk :*

  2. I really liked the imagery in the description and how it really represents what you are talking about. I definitely agree with this.
